пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

famous black face

Dear washington gas,

yes, we faxed you a letter to stop service to the accounts. Yes, the accounts are closed. Yes, you have come out and removed our meters. Yes, we have paid our final bill. Just send us the fucking letter saying that you did all of this so that we can show it to the permit office so they can give us the okay to tear down those funked-up old buildings no shit, i donapos;t believe you when you say that i have to physically bring my final bills down to your office to prove that weapos;ve paid them. That is in your fucking computer system. Grr

iapos;m calling you back after lunch to hopefully get someone more responsive.

- me

adaptec aic 7902w, famous black face, famous black explorers, famous black entrepreneurs, famous black entrepreneur.

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