понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

anatomical gift

I know this has been asked before but I canapos;t find the entries, so BAH Iapos;m gonna ask again.

My daughter is 10 months old. Loves her bottle. Does NOT love her sippy cup(s). Refuses to drink from a sippy. Iapos;ve tried several different kinds, soft tips, hard tips, with low-flow, without low-flow, different handles, etc. Etc.

I exclusively pump and I barely pump enough milk for her. I donapos;t want to waste anything I give her because thereapos;s not a lot more where thatapos;s coming from. :) She doesnapos;t seem to like water (Why have water when you can have boob juice, Mommy Geeze) and Iapos;d rather not give her juice at this age.

Mostly Iapos;ve just let her play with the cup, and sheapos;ll try and take an occasional sip, but either the flow is too much or not enough or she just drips all over herself. I try not to get frustrated in front of her and I encourage her to use it as much as I can, but no avail.

She doesnapos;t even hold her bottle yet. She tries but she doesnapos;t understand the whole "tipping it up" part. Then she plays with it. :)

I AM DOING SOMETHING WRONG. Help me. :D *Should* I try juice in the cup?

I dunno, I just donapos;t want her still on a bottle at two years old.

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freedom motorcycles brookvale

I need DarkHarry...

Nothing redeeming about him, or not much redeeming-
He still loves Draco- I donapos;t care if it is obsessive, or possessive love- I donapos;t care if Draco is a prize. Maybe he is a bastard to Draco- but Draco is still a major piece in his life.
I need a not so forgiving Harry.
And I need it to be a fairly long story. I need it to be complete.

I am a needy bitch arenapos;t I? thatapos;s ok; you love me... Take my word for it. ;) )

And the smex needs to be hot. Nothing really squicks me. Anything goes if you are a good writer.
But I need to read a not so idealistic flawed Harry. Maybe he is not so Gryffindor. Maybe he is Raven/Slytherinesque... Hufflepuff Harry will not do here.

(I mean, after all- Dude has put up with and been through load of crap.)

Any Recs?

Will love U 4 it.


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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

domain family name

Dear drunk older sister,

Please please PLEASE donapos;t call me at 1:45-in-the-fucking-morning crying your drunk-ass head off about ANOTHER�fight you got into with your boyfriend.� Iapos;ve heard it all before.� Although the little tangent you went on about "being a lesbian so you donapos;t have to deal with boys" amused me oh so much, and gave me something to laugh about.� Also the comment about crack was a real knee-slapper.� And listen, I�know youapos;re drunk and all, but being drunk and talking about the past with you and mom? donapos;t do it.� It makes me depressed, and I really need a cigarette after meerly THINKING about that shit.� And it sucks cuz I has none...boo.


Mildly depressed with a hint of rage me.

ess technologies inc, domain family name.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

cleveland cavalier official web site

Ok..this is seriously funny and sadded..lolwas talking with A....so talk and talk...

A:so you are straight la?
Me: eh...ya?why?don look like ar??
A:cause was thinking that, if you are unstraight, confirm got a lot of apos;peopleapos; go for you...
Me: Oh so you mean that..if i were to be straight,no one will go la?ha
A: no la...haha...but chances will be minimise lo..

so the convo went on...seriously..damm saddedlol....

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

famous black face

Dear washington gas,

yes, we faxed you a letter to stop service to the accounts. Yes, the accounts are closed. Yes, you have come out and removed our meters. Yes, we have paid our final bill. Just send us the fucking letter saying that you did all of this so that we can show it to the permit office so they can give us the okay to tear down those funked-up old buildings no shit, i donapos;t believe you when you say that i have to physically bring my final bills down to your office to prove that weapos;ve paid them. That is in your fucking computer system. Grr

iapos;m calling you back after lunch to hopefully get someone more responsive.

- me

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dizionario dei nomi italiani

Iapos;m so uninspired these days Which is why Iapos;m only posting another entry like...now. ~~_~ BUT�IM�STILL�UNINSPIRED�GRARRH. Something random to say, my nose is damn oily now to the extent that if I start extracting all the oil from my nose and dump the oil into the�global market, the price of oil will drop by 10 USD. IT�IS�THAT�BAD�D:

Uninspired uninspired.......So Iapos;m going to write anything that comes to my mind

I totally hate it when people do certain things in a bid to sound funny but they really are not funny at all. They donapos;t even sound charming luh. This is when I tell them to fuck off and die.

And I really hate Diamondlover Sheapos;s some random user at Stomp whoapos;s like oh so goddess-like. Sheapos;s a frigginapos; nun can She makes herself appear as a potential virtuous wife bleargh. There was one post where she said that she loves kids and animals, she cooks, she cleans, she has no piercings and certain other "qualities" that I forgot. She even ended her stupid post with "Oops, I hope I donapos;t sound as if Iapos;m marketing myself." WTF. Maybe guys will fall in love with her or something because she cooks and cleans�but if Iapos;m a guy I wonapos;t really care. I have to admit, I donapos;t cook and I certainly do not clean. ~~_~� Whatapos;s up with her proclaiming that she does not having piercings? Itapos;s okay not to have piercings, but whatapos;s the use of announcing that to the whole world Is that even necessary. ~~_~ I have ear piercings but I donapos;t go around screaming, "�WOW�YAY�I�HAVE�PIERCINGS�LOOK�AT�MY�EAR PIERCINGS COOLIOOOOOOOO" Also, Diamondlover likes to boast as well. She makes it sound so "innocent" that some people canapos;t even tell that sheapos;s bragging There was once she said that she was blessed with super big eyes and super deep double eyelids. Then, she started dissing those korean aunties who went for surgery so that double eyelids can be carved on their eyes. AND SHE SAID, WHEN SHE CLOSES HER EYES, HER DOUBLE EYELIDS WILL DISAPPEAR. IF THEY DISAPPEAR, YOUR DOUBLE EYELIDS ARE NOT DEEP. Pttf.

I watched ANTM Cycle 11 recap episode yesterday. As opposed to what I thought, the recap episode isnapos;t that boring. There were more airtime dedicated to McKey and Elina. Somehow, the people at the CW Lounge are hating Elina after watching the recap episode and I have no idea why After watching the recap episode, I loved Elina even more Itapos;s all because of a few statements she said, but those words she said were pretty much true. Maybe itapos;s just me hating all the do-gooders and goody-two-shoes.

Her comment about Isis:�Isis looks like a possessed hyena.

That is true Iapos;ve been wanting to describe Isis in the most appropriate way possible but I just canapos;t find the right words for her Finally Thanks Elina Isis is a man and he totally looks like a drag queen. Although he wears makeup and has really long black hair now, he still has those really manly features. He has no boobs and his penis is still intact Sorry, but I just canapos;t accept this transgender model.

Her comment about Clark and Joslyn: Omg I canapos;t believe Clark went home today. Clark is tall, thin and beautiful. She looks like a frigginapos; model Joslyn looks like a hairshow model�at�the mall in the middle of nowhere My girlfriend went home today My girlfriend went home today I do not want to think about this Urgh Angry Ouch

I donapos;t agree totally with the whole thing but I do think that Clark has more model potential that Joslyn. Iapos;d rather see Clark on a magazineapos;s cover.

Oh and Mckeyapos;s damn cool She runs around the pool and give bees water LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

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